Tuesday 10 May 2011

Today is reading day

Today was DEFINATELY about reading. First, a termly affair that is DEAR. No, it's not expensive, it's Drop Everything And Read. I've always wondered what would happen if that was pottery work. Woops, nearly spelt pottery with 2 Os and 1 T. So we read. And then, for the largest part of the day we did some training in helping people to read. It's called Read.ing.mat.ters Reading Leaders. Quite interesting, but when we got back we were 1/2 and hour early. We were told we could go home, but I had to stay for orchestra (Which ended up being in a tiny class room because the teacher CBAd to find out whether the hall was free or not. He then proceeded to command me to play in a small corner with a sax and a Euphonium on either side. I play the cello.) and so I had to stand in the hall helping Bossy Boots Follon and Laugh a lot Holly turn lights on and off, which I still don't get. I could so do with a bit of easter egggggg.......

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