Tuesday 24 May 2011

Maths + Plans = Cheesy Blog Title


So my maths exam is in a few weeks and today I have had many revision materials thrusted upon my delicate arms. I now have:
-A new calculater
-An official Revision Guide
-An official Revision Work Book
-4 Official Practice Papers
-1 Specimin Paper
-2 Past Papers
-10 pretend practice papers
-1 online practice paper
-And tomorrow it's the mock test

Think that's enough? Me too!

Now onto the plans bit. I have BIG plans for THIS blog and I will ALSO add randomly capitalised WORDS aswell. Not REALLY.

OK, so here's the overall plan:

I have an issue of The Benj every month
I update the Blog every week day and some weekends
There is a new "Design" every month
This may start in June or July depending on the randomness.

Sound OK? Leave a comment!

I think I'll do designs for this month and the next but then after that start the newsletter.

Erm... What else? Oh yeah! WORTHERS ORIGINALS

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