Monday 23 May 2011

No need to get poncey, it's just gunge.

Hello there! Lots to catch up on!!!

Monologue: PANICED LOADS BEFORE but it went EXTREMELY well.!! Yaya!ay!yay"YYYAY"Ysh

Yes, Prime Minister: Very funny, woman behind me has an annoying laugh, a bit rude in places but very funny get me the DVD NOOOWWWWW

Doctor Who: Funny, scary, exciting, suspenseful, surprising. Has everything a good episode needs

Other bits: Ermmm


Done some art. ate some food. Had to do football wed and thur and next wed and thur! :(( (Doublle ()

Like drama so much I might even do another play on a whim. Not sure yet.


We were doing about addiction in Science and I wondered whether it was possible to get addicted to cheese, but wisely didn't ask.

Maths Mock Exam on wednesday ready for the proper one in 3 weeks, and it's a proper GCSE and all at that.

I need to do: Theory (Exam in 1 month) Piano (Exam in just over a month) Cello, Empty the Dishwasher, dance a bit, sing like the Queen. (Today one doesn't feel the need to do anything, (Rah ra ra, Rah ra ra,) One Shall just stay in one's palace. (Rah Ra ra Rah ra ra) and then.... Cos In my castle One is the queen. Ohhh yes one said it.. Ione said it... One SAID IT COS IT'S TRUE!! Today One doesn;t feel like doing anything, just like usual!!)

That was The Lazy Song by HM Queen Elizabeth II R

What else... oh yeah... QWERTY! Fruit and nut mini crunchy things!!

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