Tuesday 17 May 2011


As my monologue (on thursday) draws ever nearer, here's something I found that I shall now rant about.

Right, picture this, Dance Show: Wednesday.     Talent Show: Thursday.

Every day for AGES now, the dancers have been in the hall ALLLLL the time after school, when I ask them If I could use oit for 15 minutes, one dancer said

"Well, our show IS on wednesday!"

Well! They've at least BEEN in the hall! I need to stage direct mine and have not had the chance, if they use the hall again tomorrow then that's TAKING THE MICHEAL. We won't get our chance, I mean, they'll always use the excuse of "Our show's sooner." and the true, yet nonsense argument of "Yes, but I HAVENT HAD A GO YET!" will never work! Not fair!

Anyway, rant over.

Also, have English Controlled assessments this week. Counts for GCSE and stuff. AAGH bbbaaadddd week.

Hopefully, rant over

Remember, no blogs tomorrow or Thursday so see you on Friday! We're going to see Yes Prime Minister at the Lycyumylyucm on Saturday, and the Gangers are also here...

Ermmm.... what else: OH YEAH! Go, tell it on the rather small hill.

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