Monday 16 May 2011

Welllllllll...... it's definately a Monday today.

ALRIGHT: Some important things to say:

1. I will, every weekend, post a list on the thing at the bottom of the page. This will be from "Phillip Ardagh's Book of Absolutely Useless Lists for Absolutely Every day of the Year". I will post the best and most suitable list from the week.
2. My monologue is on THURSDAY and so on Wednesday and Thursday there will be no blog.
3. No blogs on Sundays too.
4. The Illusionist was GREAT! He made someone levitate and did loads of cool stuff 10/10

Ok, back to the blog.
My Drama teacher, least Wednesday, said "I'll see your Monologue on friday and help you with it" On Friday didn't see it and said the same about today, and TODAY, Ditto, She'll see it on wednesday. Leaving it a bit late, especially when I haven't practised with light and sound yet. GRRRR.

Nothing much apart from that happened today. It's a Monday, what do you expect?
I need to practise my Cello now. Well, I've just had a nice cookie.

The two previous statements were true.

As was the latter.

And the latter.

And the latter

But the latter was not.

But neither was the latter.

But the latter was true.

Was I telling the truth??

Ermmm... what else? Oh yes! Gerald is SO ungrateful about Chicken it's UNBELIEVABLE!!

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