Thursday 26 May 2011


OOh ok, today was interesting.

Last football lesson! YAY! WOOP WOOP!
And I made an ad for an iPad in ICT and so therefore got to play with one! WOOP! I have to tell you about my apple product plans. I hope to get an iPod Touch at Christmas, unless I can find a relatively cheap tablet that's good.
It was Toffee apple crumble for pud pud at lunch time, SO NICE it's the best pud pud.

Pud Pud.

I think I may be running out of creative blog titles, but HEY HO! Woop'll have to do.
One more school day left before a week off, when I need to do some PSHE homework, Some Arts Award, Some maths revision, and some music practice. That'll keep me occupied.

Tea's ready, It's an 0Ml3TT3, So, I'd better go and eat.

Erm... what else? Oh ye. RIFTS IN SLIME AND SPADES

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