Friday 27 May 2011

I'm going to pretend I'm VERY CROSS

Hehe I have to tell you about my spanish lesson...

At the end of the lesson, the teacher (who can deffo take a joke) left the room to do something, and some people locked the door on her! AND apparantly, they'd done this to their French teacher the previous day!! And then another teacher was signing C III, Meaning C3, which means "Detention" from the window, and then when the spanish teacher came back in the room she greeted us with the words "I'm going to pretend I'm VERY cross, especially seeing as my boss is out there! And then she kept saying "Naughty Year Nines" and the boss (The C3 signal one) was joining in. I'm not sure if the boss was serious or not, but no-one else could stop laughing.

My music teacher from last year (Who left for 1 yr on maternity leave) came in with her new baby too, called James Weale. AAh.

Oh yeh, and sozza, I forgot to tweet about yesterday's blog, but I'll do it about today's to get the people who don't read the blog (What are these people DOING with their lives?) reading it.

Still not started on the newsletter, but hope to soon.

I now, and tomorrow, have to tidy my room ready for visitors, and there won't be a blog tomoz.

Now, on to another thing, Doctor Who. Doctor Who haters, look away until the big bold signal.

Tomoz's ep looks to me like 1/2 of the conclusion to last week and 1/2 the begginning of next week's. Apparantly it all changes tomorrow and there's a moment that changes all Doctor Who history. I have my theories. I'll put it in a highlighted.... hilited... highlited...hilighted... (How do you spell it?) section that's the same colour so you can read it if you go over it with your mouse, BUT DON'T UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO SEE A GOOD THEORY lol. I have no idea, and have not looked anywhere else for it, but I think it makes sense...

The clone doctor regenerates. WHO TO THOUGH??? I really don't know! That's my idea.

Oh no! Now I'm stuck cos I can't get it off the higlighter!! Hiliter... not Hitler! HIGH LIGHT ER HOW ON EARTH???

Anyway, for ep 7 there;s  gonna be this woman called Madame Kovarian played by the woman who plays that Eye patch lady in the door, so its probs her. Here's what the site says (ish)

Marvel at the true nature of the relationship between Amy and The Doctor, gasp as Rory potentially makes a huge mistake, and watch as a good man goes to war.

Episode 6 is called THE ALMOST PEOPLE and is on Saturday
Episode 7 is called A GOOD MAN GOES TO WAR and is a week on saturday.


Help, I'm still stuck on this stupid hi... oh forget it.

What else... OH YES! Oranges and Geckos

1 comment:

  1. That was the highlight of my week.
    See what I did there - highlight?
