Monday 9 January 2012

My Cursed Hi Fi

Sophie Cornish told me to... And now I am

Yes, well done, you are reading a blog post - and let me just say I am thoroughly enjoying Sherlock!!!!

I have science exams starting on Thursday as previously said, so wish me luck.

Ok, here's an interesting story...

Last weekend ( as in the weekend before last really... Over a week ago) I bought a hi fi which I had been looking at the previous weekend but not had chance to get hold of ( I had seen it in a shop but gone away from that shop and then not found it anywhere else... But then I did find it and I took it to the checkout and found out it was the more expensive version which I could not afford only to get home and find out I had enough in the first place) . So that was frustrating..... Then last weekend ( the one I mentioned at the beginning of this story) I bought the hi fi from a different shop! Horray!! Only to find out at the middle of the week to find out it kept switching itself off.... At this point I was sure the hi fi was cursed..... So I took it back the most recent Saturday that has happened and got another one... Which when I got it home only player out of one speaker..... Yep.... Definitely cursed.. So I took it back that afternoon and got a different brand - a sony - an now it's FAB!! It's really good!!!

Also, this entry is typed on my iPod so sorry for any mistakes

You got a response to this story? Want to give feedback or comment, as well as giving me ideas? Email

What else? Oh yes, Sophie Cornish is awesome! :) (hi!)

Thursday 5 January 2012


Again, a bit more information for y'all

I have science exams over the next weeks... So really.... Dont expect a blog for a bit...

Wish me luck! Oh and let's trend #thebenj on twitter!

See ya

Wednesday 9 November 2011


Well let me say, West side story was... average, and that's all I have to say on it.

If you are going to see fanfared, don't read!!

Fanfared was THE BEST THING EVER! It was like a "game" or an interactive performance where each individual audience member went on a story and met different characters in the rooms in the Crucible. We were all different characters and the stories we followed and the Characters we met were all from productions in the Crucible for the past 40 years, as it was the 40th Anniversary. MY story was quite interesting!

We all went in and sat down, and I listened to my cello teacher play Bach (cos he was in the "play") But a random guy took our tickets and swapped them for ones that said 1971 (this is me and a friend who's called James) And then we were taken to the main stage of the crucible, where a rehearsal for the performance "Lives in Art" was going on. We were told to sit down, And then another random guy read out our seat numbers, and James became the Lucky Fool and was taken away. I was then called the Unlucky Fool and lead away by a "Cabaret" girl. I was taken to a room which they had called "The Kit Kat Klub" where I saw James dressed as a rabbit. He was then sent away. I was asked to read a script, and I kept mentioning trousers (just go with it OK)

I was then handed a Donkey costume and told to don. The Queen (yes, but not Liz) told me that I was being sent on the same mission as the Lucky fool, but I was her insurance and a reinforcement. (all the while I'm a donkey) I was then practising to greet the king in the Klub and told to go to the King, tell him to abdicate, and report back. I was then left to my own devices.

I walked around exploring the building (which was all dressed up for the occasion) and found an Undertaker, who said "follow me" and then brisk walked around some costumes for a while and then stopped, handed me a kazoo, and said "buy nine more and I will help you" and then walked off. I walked around talking to different characters, finding kazoos. I talked to different characters from different plays as well as random characters, There was a "Lodged Grave Digger" who loved my hat (the donkey one. I said to go with it) I even played bingo for a kazoo. I got to see all over I then took the Kazoos to the Undertaker who lead me to the king.

I gave my Kazoos and the message to the king. He told me that for him to abdicate and to have a swan song, he would need Wisdom and Time, as well as me to play the Kazoo for him.

I was sent away.

I looked and asked around for time, and found a watch. I then looked around for wisdom. Some may say it was impossible for me to find wisdom. But I did. The Archivist told me to hand the King a mirror, and tell him that he must abdicate for old age. I then learned the Kazoo. Picture it, a Donkey with a watch around his neck holding a mirror playing the kazoo. I went to the king and gave him the items and messages, and I saw the lucky fool again. We were then lead outside to see King abdicate, and music began. Through windows we saw scenes from plays from the past 40 years. The king appeared on the Roof. The End. Everyone's stories were to help that last scene happen. It was VERY clever.

I think a really good how the characters NEVER went out of role, and they were expecting you when you got there. I don't know how it was very clever, and lots of people had very different things to do but it all resolved in the same way. It was really fun and exciting and unique, as well ass (get it?) surprising. I never thought I'd be a kazoo playing  Donkey when I went there. And if I went again, it would be completely different. And I accidentally stole a Kazoo.....

Monday 7 November 2011

Adjacency Pairs

Hi Hi HI! I'm back again. Sponsored silence over with so now I can just BLOG AWAY! Oh yes.

I'm off to see "Fanfared" at the "Crucible" today (Although it's also the Lyceum) because it's a walky abouty play where you get to go places. Sounds a bit self helpish.

AND tomorrow I am going to watch West Side Story (great...) at the Lyceum.

I shall be theatred out. I shall i shall i shall.

I don't really know why but adjacency pairs keep coming into my head. Take THAT to your english teacher.

What have I even done today....... boring stuff, except music, where I sat next to Sophie Cornish (hi!) and that was well funny.

Oh yeah and we get the day off on Tuesday because it's "progress day". The School's lousy attempt at an all inclusive parents evening, which basically means all that they do is listen to their form teacher go on and on for ten mins and then go home for the day off. Great!!!

I don't have too much to say, and I don't think I will be able to blog tomorrow because I will be BUSY BUSY BUSY! oh yes, So see you on wednesday, where I should hopefully tell you all about my plays what I did see.

LOL my spellchecker doesn't understand the word blog. Or Spellchecker.

BYe then!

Friday 4 November 2011

Silent weekend, Holy weekend, all is Calm all is.... weekend.

WHY?! Does it keep happening? I am JUST about to get the bus and then it drives off!
And today, another one was behind it, and just about to set off, which caused me to run like a special tortoise for it.

All is quiet, or more, all will be quiet. I am doing a sponsored silence from 9pm today till 9pm on Sunday, and NO communication, so NO blog. Sorry. HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE?

I made appalling work of my English Speaking and Listening thing today, lucky that I'd already done it... and got an A* :)

I'm gonna have to do all homework and stuff tomorrow as I don't really have much else to do.... and I get an extra £5 if I can sit through "Strictly" which I HATE.. (It IS for charity)

I don't really have much else to say... so I will shall ought to be seeing ya after the weekend, and I will let you know how I got on with my Silence. I REALLY hope I manage it, there are a LOT of people sponsoring me.

See you around Suckers.