Friday 4 November 2011

Silent weekend, Holy weekend, all is Calm all is.... weekend.

WHY?! Does it keep happening? I am JUST about to get the bus and then it drives off!
And today, another one was behind it, and just about to set off, which caused me to run like a special tortoise for it.

All is quiet, or more, all will be quiet. I am doing a sponsored silence from 9pm today till 9pm on Sunday, and NO communication, so NO blog. Sorry. HOW AM I GOING TO SURVIVE?

I made appalling work of my English Speaking and Listening thing today, lucky that I'd already done it... and got an A* :)

I'm gonna have to do all homework and stuff tomorrow as I don't really have much else to do.... and I get an extra £5 if I can sit through "Strictly" which I HATE.. (It IS for charity)

I don't really have much else to say... so I will shall ought to be seeing ya after the weekend, and I will let you know how I got on with my Silence. I REALLY hope I manage it, there are a LOT of people sponsoring me.

See you around Suckers.

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